"I Was Born in the NHS, I'm Gonna Die in the NHS"
“I Was
Born in the NHS, I’m Gonna Die in the NHS”
Cabbage Live Review / The Loft / 7.2.18
Cabbage Live Review / The Loft / 7.2.18
“Oi! Change your trousers, we can see your
boner,” shouts one audience member.
“This song is for the weirdo at the front,”
responds Cabbage frontman, Lee as they break in to ‘Indispensable Pencil’ watching
the crowd erupt into a booze-driven frenzy.
Cabbage are not
for the faint hearted. Their left-wing performances are causing controversy
around the UK and their live reputation is questioned by *cough* Dads
everywhere. It’s Wednesday night and The Loft is 2/3 full of a large range of
ages. From the old blokes at the back who have heard Cabbage getting their Radio
6 play, to the youngsters at the front who are here to get smashed both in the
sense of alcohol and literally smash each other up to the soundtrack of Cabbage’s
debut album, Young Dumb and Full Of….
Cabbage’s last
gig in Southampton was held at The Joiners almost a year ago to the day, and possessed
some finer qualities that this gig is missing. Perhaps it is the slightly less-enthusiastic
crowd, the new songs being played or perhaps the simple fact it is a Wednesday.
However, the night still contains the grimy, filth-injected corruption that
Cabbage project so well. Manchester is known for it’s live music reputation and
northern bands arguably have that certain type of performance nailed that us southerners
haven’t quite mastered. But something from tonight doesn’t quite match that of
The Joiners last year.
The main down
side of the night however is the support band, London duo, The Rhythm Method.
The indie/pop/dance/electro styles of this Streets carbon copy (without any of
the good aspects) leave me questioning if they are either a piss-take or if
there is some satirical or hidden message in this performance. Surely, they can’t
be for real? I scratch my head for the entire set asking friends and people
around me if there is some message I’m not getting or if this is in fact the
best thing I’ve ever seen, and I just haven’t understood it yet. But the overall
conclusion is that….no one around me likes it. There are the odd clan of young
girls at the front singing along and I assume they must be the ones streaming all
The Rhythm Method’s songs on Spotify as the high, stream numbers do not
correlate to the level of performance tonight.
Cabbage play a
full range of tracks from brand new single, ‘Arms of Pleonexia’ all the way
back to debut EP material, ‘Kevin’ and the repulsive, ‘Dinner Lady’ that all hint at an early Horrors influence and a post-punk musk. Following
the quick success of their debut album, it acts as no surprise with how the
crowd respond with Red Stripe cans flying and kids falling to the floor. The
stand-out track was ‘Tell Me Lies About Manchester’ with Cabbage adding some
sort of dance beat over the top making it a live gift. There is minimal speech
between songs meaning fans are literally getting as much music squeezed into
this set as possible plus the politically charged five-piece bring a filth-enthused
energy that is unmatchable.
With young
people today getting more into politics, it could be argued that the influence
of politically-driven bands is part of the cause. Music today is disposable.
However, bands singing about what really matters such as the NHS, Trump, Brexit
and terrorism is what we need. Plus, keeping a political mind set and urging us to
form opinions is what’s important. Whether you like Cabbage’s music or not,
they are definitely doing that right.
Image taken from band's Facebook page
Image taken from band's Facebook page
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