'CABBAGE' The Boundary Pushing Band the Industry Need

‘CABBAGE’ The Boundary Pushing Band the Industry Needs

              A couple months ago, I wrote about Sleaford Mods on my blog and how ‘they’re not wankers’ and how they are exactly everything we need in the music industry. Well, in that sense, I have found their match. CABBAGE are the neo-post punk band from Manchester that are the complete polar opposite of normal yet the biggest breath of fresh air in the upcoming music scene.                 Their EP ‘Le Chou’ was released 29th February 2016 and contains satirical, chaotic songs that can only be described as a truthful racket. Their songs can’t fall perfectly into just one category meaning that their songs just linger in the uncategorised section which, in an era where labelling comes naturally to us, may come as a shock to the system. But that is what makes CABBAGE so perfect.
                The 5-piece lunatics have created an EP that contains catchy tunes and truly is a reminder of what anarchy means. With EP opener ‘Kevin’ sounding a little similar to Drenge’s ‘Face Like A Skull’ and definitely re-creating the chaos found in a lot of Drenge songs, it is a perfect example of what to expect from the rest of this EP. ‘White Noise’ is the ending to their EP and is an almost calming song blindly leading you into a false sense of security. Yet, towards the end of the track a loud awakening of Pete Doherty sounding vocals are wailed over the close–to-soothing melody reminding you not to get too comfortable whilst listening to this band. Track 2, ‘Dinner Lady’ has a catchy, repetitive beat and lyrics that, although are humorous (“I had a wank in the quiche and I watched the headmaster get it stuck to his teeth”), are sung in a ghoulish way which works well against the rest of the EP. With the rest of their tracks showing hints of The Damned due to their mental, chaotic style they also bare a small musical resemblance to the Sex Pistols. Basically, they are a brilliant, new punk band writing satirical, thought provoking songs which is what the music industry is seriously lacking in today.
But as if the EP sound alone isn’t enough, the art work is a disturbing yet beautiful piece which is a perfect representation of what to expect from the EP meaning that ‘Le Chou’ has absolutely everything; it really is the whole package.

                CABBAGE truly are the boundary pushing band of the year that really don’t give a fuck and they will continue to do their own thing no matter what. Their unusual sound is what makes them so exciting and what has caught the ear of their fans creating a small, yet constantly growing, fan base of comrades. Their punk attitude is what sets them apart from the boring concept of ‘normal bands’ and makes them something special in today’s music industry. They really are an exciting new hurricane in today’s music scene and I can only expect big things from them.

CABBAGE are playing lots of shows soon plus some alongside YAK.
Check them out........
